Terms & Conditions

First Point Dental is committed to delivering world-class dental service to anyone who walks into our clinics. This document outlines details regarding our terms and conditions. If, however, you wish to raise a query or need clarification, do contact us, please. We are always available to answer your questions.

Do keep in mind that any information available or promoted by elements on our websites like community, testimonials, live chat, phone, or news articles is for fun purposes. No professional or medical advice or guidance without any dental consultation. For professional dental advice, it is strongly advised to see an accredited dentist for full oral consultation.

Treatment Plans and Estimates

Post consultation and thorough check-ups, we will update you on the exact treatment costs. There are no hidden charges as the amount will not change at the time of payment. If there is some difference, it could be due to radiographic or clinical findings. We will inform you about any differences in the payment amount. Treatment plans and fees are valid for 90 days from the date the treatment was prescribed. If there is something you need to ask, don’t hesitate to ask us before the procedure starts.

Patient’s Consent

Certain dental procedures would ask consent from the patient before the procedure. This could be done with the consent form. After the completion of the consent form, we will explain the dental treatment, post-operative care, and any potential complications. This is all done before the treatment begins.

Personal Details:

It’s strongly advised to share your full medical history and any medications you are taking. Inform the dentist about any change in medications. Also, inform the dental clinic of any updates in personal information or medical history.

Personal Data Protection

First Point Dental, a patient’s health is our sole focus. So, we would like to keep our clients aware of any new dental services or promotions. Also, we would like to inform our patients about their upcoming appointments through texts, e-mail, texts, or posts. If you don’t want to be contacted by the clinic or any or all of these mediums, do let us know, please.

Data Protection Act:

We store our patients’ personal details as per accordance with the Data Protection Act & GDPR. Information like clinical notes, digital photographs, digital radiographs remains the property of First Point Dental. Also, copies of notes, radiographs, and photographs can be made at the patient’s request. This we reserve the right to charge a fee for the same.

Complaint’s Policy:

We listen to the feedback from our patients and their loved ones. Not just that, we listen and take decisions on every complaint raised by everyone who availed service at our dental clinics.

Privacy Notice:

We are committed to data privacy in regard to the collection of your personal information. Also, your data would be used as per the privacy statement. Please click here to read the full Privacy Notice.