How to Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

How to Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you’re wondering how to sleep after wisdom teeth removal, wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt. They are the molars found in the corners of the mouth. Some people don’t have them at all while others may have them in numbers ranging from 1 to 4. The full emergence of the wisdom teeth through the gums is only seen in an individual aged between 18 to 24 years. Unfortunately, most people suffer from pain and discomfort caused by impacted or problematic wisdom teeth. That’s when the dentists recommend wisdom teeth extraction.

Wisdom tooth extraction/removal is often recommended for people having dental problems caused by wisdom teeth or in cases where it is thought that wisdom teeth can cause problems in the future. However, the surgical removal of problematic wisdom teeth commonly results in post-operative pain and discomfort like jaw swelling, and bruising which further may make sleeping uncomfortable.

Wisdom teeth removal is done on a sedated patient. When the effect of anesthesia wears off, pain or discomfort is sure to be felt which could make sleeping a challenge.  

Not able to sleep after your wisdom tooth removal? Keep reading this post on ‘How to sleep with wisdom teeth out’ to know about different ways to minimize discomfort following wisdom teeth removal and increase the likelihood of having a well-rested sleep at night.

How to Sleep After Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

The level of pain or discomfort felt after a wisdom tooth extraction can vary from patient to patient, but almost every patient seeking surgical removal of wisdom teeth can feel some discomfort. Thankfully, there are different ways to sleep better after wisdom tooth surgery. One is to focus on relieving post-surgical pain and discomfort. Another is to avoid any complications associated with wisdom tooth surgery caused by bad habits. Rest, the patient must follow the surgeon’s aftercare instructions for wisdom tooth surgery related to how to sleep, what restrictions on physical activities and diet to follow, and how to take care of the extraction site. The next section lists all the ways.   

How to go to Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

While trying to sleep safe and sound after getting wisdom teeth removed, the patient can opt for some ways to minimize pain or discomfort. Here are the tips for sleeping after wisdom teeth removal:

  • Take recommended doses of prescribed pain-relieving medication as directed by the dentist. If not prescribed for pain medication, taking ibuprofen and/or Tylenol can be effective in relieving pain.
  • Create a comfortable environment for sleep. Keep the bedroom dark and cool and do activities before bed that divert the mind from pain and help in sleeping.
  • Keep your head raised on pillows. Take extra pillows to sleep at night at least for the first 24 hours so that the head is kept elevated above the heart and there is reduced jaw swelling. With the head raised, the quick clotting of the blood at the tooth extraction site can be encouraged.
  • Sleep on a side. Do not sleep on your stomach or backside instead on the left or right side so that the head is more easily and properly kept propped up on a pillow.
  • Apply ice. A recent review of studies reveals some evidence that ice applied on and off over the area of tooth extraction in the first few days following wisdom teeth extraction can help reduce swelling. It is recommended to apply an ice pack for 10-20 minutes at a stretch for 2-3 times in day with gaps in between.
  • Avoid brushing around the extraction site. During the recovery period of a wisdom tooth extraction, it is important to be careful not to dislodge the blood clots forming in the extraction site, particularly in the initial 24 hours. Improper blood clot formation or dislodging can cause a dry socket condition on days 3 to 5 of the recovery which further causes great discomfort and lead to sleepless nights. To avoid dry socket complications, brushing must not be done around the wounded site for at least 24 hours.
  • Avoid staying up late at night. Do not perform any activities that interfere with your sleep schedule. The patient needs to sleep adequately as quick and smooth healing of the extraction site is only possible with proper rest.
  • Refrain from alcohol and smoking. Smoking cigarettes chewing tobacco and alcohol consumption can all interfere with the natural healing of the wounded site after surgical wisdom teeth removal. Therefore, smoking and alcohol intake must be avoided for a minimum of 24 hours following wisdom teeth extraction, ideally until there is complete healing of the wound.
  • Do not sleep with gauze in your mouth. Following a wisdom tooth extraction, a gauze pad is provided by the dentist to help clot the blood at the extraction site. It works to ease blood clot formation by applying slight pressure against the extraction site. Sleeping with a gauze pad in the mouth can make choking likely to happen. Therefore, the gauze pad must be removed before going to sleep or else someone should be given the responsibility to wake you up every few minutes nap to check on gauze.
  • Follow other instructions of the dental surgeon. Keep the surgeon informed about what you are experiencing and any serious side effects noticed after your wisdom teeth removal. Go for follow-up visits to the surgeon to check on your progress of healing. The recovery can go smoothly and without much discomfort if you listen and follow the surgeon’s advice on aftercare for wisdom teeth extraction. Some of the instructions that must be followed include drinking plenty of water daily, not using a straw for drinking anything at least for a week, feeding on soft foods that are not hot, and keeping the extraction site clean.

Call the dentist in Chicago, if you have any serious problems!

In case of pain, after wisdom teeth extraction is not subsiding or there are signs of an infected extraction site like excessive bleeding and swelling, it is recommended to immediately call the dentist. The dentist will examine the surgical site properly and even provide additional guidance on how to go to sleep after wisdom teeth removal.

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